Christian Bible Perspective & Blog Inception
Although we can go through trying times with negative news reports, and questionable ministerial practices when we need more good news like international dominoes championships, and para sailing footage for those of us willing to give God the benefit of the doubt to gain strength through it all. Even though we must face the reality it is a small percentage of hardened hearts distracting the majority from what really matters ~ Love. As you explore this blog see my poems on Love, and Togetherness and particularly my opinion on saggy pants, rap, Trayvon Martin (3 articles) you'll see my desire to elevate spirits through my view on adult, student, and youth options thru old school respect and various themes. Through these articles I'm speaking to guys, young people, women, and most of all America for our commongood, as well as our common entertainment - See the story of smoke if you love yourself enough to explore new options...
The bible has been passed down as the word of God, the word of good for us to live by as a community looking out for each other as we still overwhelmingly unite in the power of good, which is God's story of his son Jesus Christ stemming primarily from the bible, when you consider the people that take people into their homes when devastation occurs with Super Storm Sandy, Katrina, Haiti, Asia and other world wide indications that lets you know there are still people who treat others as they would like to be treated that are overwhelmingly spiritual.
The Bible is the foundation of the American justice system. The Bible is the story of a spirit man who put love above all else by example, who performed miracles, who spoke of our Father in Heaven bringing us all together, and the laws of everlasting life after death, who is still being talked about 2,000 years later. We're living in 2010 A.D. roughly 2,000 years after Jesus Christ's life span. Time is still marked by one man. So whether you believe in one God, or not you can meditate on these facts from second to second. If you study the love passages in the Bible I'd venture to say life might be more serene, or at least soul quenching in times of stress.
To paraphrase Rev. 1:3 says that you're blessed in reading the word of God as you search for meaning in a world that is sometimes confusing. In another passage it says you must read the bible for your own understanding, and hence your personal relationship with God, therefore "no one" else can tell you what God means to you, unless you happen to agree based on your spirit, or what you've read in the bible. And if you pray without ceasing by saying a simple "thank you, Lord" when you get up in the morning you're more likely to increase your chances to have a good day, if you add a smile with it, and are consistent within your soul.
Rev 22:19 says, "And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life 1 and in the holy city that are described in this book." If you read about the history of the Bible's existence, and know the history of mankind "it's possible" that some words in the bible have been changed, but the heart of love that is the essence of the Bible has stood the test of time. Staying nearly the same since King James commissioned, or produced it in the 16th century. The bible in its current state still satisfies the soul. The Bible may not be perfect due to man's motives, but it's the most beautiful, and spiritually moving text in existence. However, Eve deserves a lotta credit for birthing us, and what would the world do without the beauty of a woman's spirit even though the bible can have some loaded chapters about the female. The parallel recorded history of ancient lands in unity, and at odds gives you a sense of your evolution with technological comforts, and spirit empathy advancement?
On this holiday I want to start my blog with a poem for loved ones who've passed on that have guided us through life, whether directly, or indirectly from a Christian perspective. I've had many mentors in my life in fleeting soundbites as far back as Shirley Chisholm to news footage of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to the writings of Voltaire, or the eloquent oratory of Thurgood Marshall, to the preciseness of Ed Bradley, Mike Wallace, Peter Jennings, and Walter Cronkite. Many people have made an impact on me in one way, or another. Carole Simpson, and far too many others to list have made a difference in how I see the world. The core of most of them is spirituality, and a factual approach to things.
My motto is to extract the good in people to store it in the corners of your soul, and spirit, by drawing on spiritual, and documented (autobiographies, & biographies) strength so when the going gets tough you'll be able to see anything through.
Religion can be viewed with two sides of the coin.... to strengthen, or repel depending on trust, and experience. However, all things work together for the good for those who love the Lord.
This is the beginning of my blog. I consider myself a spiritual philosopher striving toward perfection every day with my sights on the infinite time of the stars in an exploration of current events with an uplifting angle for students, and adults.
Thank you, for visiting my blogs, and please stay tuned monthly, and from year to year for poems, articles, and random thoughts that express my far reaching concern about youth, and all things current...and always remember fools rush in where angels fear to tread, so take your time, and make a plan stand.. to contemplate the voice of an average girl.
Paste this link in your browser if you want the knowledge to grow through Wikipedia:
See my post Reflections on Christianity, and my key poem "Blue Print" describing the leader of a family, or group who guides with strength and positivity in my other blog.You could say Jesus was such a soul leader.
See my post : Reflections on Christianity
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Blue Print is a poem about a leader of a family or group who guides with positivity, and love.
I gave you a blueprint for life.
You followed my instructions to a t.
I see you, and you see me.
Now I'm free to be me,
And run with the wind,
Signs & wonders without end.
I'll be watching your steps as I always have.
Through your hearts we win.
A love supreme is what I've known,
And give to you to carry on.
Pulling together in a huddle,
To determine plans for tomorrow.
Like I taught you have no sorrow.
Character, grace, and charm is our mindset.
I'll lift you up when you get down,
And guide you as I always have.
I saw your dreams come true.
I've done all I can do.
I followed God's precepts.
Heaven is my reward.
Apply your heart's to wisdom,
As we've always done.
Proclaim his name.
We pray the same.
I yield the balance of my time.
by Patricia Britt
Poem Copyright 2010
I just discovered this Ph.D. today. I do not know if he is a Theologian, but he has some interesting works. If anyone discovers a bio on Dr. Laurence M. Vance please send the link. I'll probably check back before Christmas.
A Brief History of the King James Bible
Other works by Dr. Laurence M. Vance online
This blog series is primarily an electronic resume for poetry, and writing employment.
Copyright 2010
Revised September 2014