
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Our Democracy & the Fourth Estate
by Patricia Britt

It is evident the American Democracy is still center stage judging by the 2012 television news coverage of the campaign on election night, and the day after by newspapers, television, and online outlets. If you looked at the tv guide the election was scheduled to take a large portion of time from 7:00 pm to 2:00 am on the networks (ABC, CBC, NBC), cable (CNN, CNBC, Fox, MSNBC), and PBS was on it thru midnight. This gave political followers all the information they could ever grasp about the electoral college, and so on. Average voting citizens had a window into whether, or not the process was fair, and to the passive non-voters something to think about. President Obama won the electoral vote, and the popular vote by the widest margin in decades that illustrates the freedom we have to exercise our right to vote as one people from many. The election night results were President Obama 50%, and Governor Romney 48%, that’s two million more votes for the incumbent. The media fulfills the promise of the constitution by letting us know what's happening across the United States election night, and leading up to it.

News teams inform the public on our leader's selection process with election polls, then moment to moment projections election night so we can all feel involved in the process before the election, or after we cast our vote, and even if we don't. The message by osmosis is that it's important to be involved in your country's trajectory by making a decision on who "we the people” elect. The news factory is the fourth-estate, essentially an unofficial branch of government that brings good to light, and exposes messy issues akin to choices about the economy, safety, healthcare, war, education, women's concerns, civil rights, employee rights that pressure business, and the government as a free press outlined in the constitution, that at its best ushers resolution, and cooperation for the common good.

All those news projections, and the final outcome of the vote tabulation equals the accumulated results of local efforts to “get out the vote” for ones perceived champion, and our champion this election cycle is President Barack Obama. The American people spoke decisively in spite of Super Storm Sandy's might, and even though Florida took four additional days until Saturday to produce election results.The Ingham County victory was largely due to the efforts of Jody Money, Regional Field Director, Organizing For America, and LaShawn Sithole two young people that came across country to Michigan from Texas to work on the Obama campaign. Their inspirational stories about why they believed in the campaign, what the campaign should be, and their desire to support President Obama with grassroots action contributed to the motivation of the Lansing, East Lansing community for a 2012 win with the guidance of Mark Brewer, Michigan Democratic Chairman,, and his knowledgeable capitol staff in gear.

Jody Money did things big in Ingham with the assistance of Lashawn Sithole a consistent devoted presence at the Michigan Avenue Organizing For America office. Both Texans oiled the Michigan machine with a steady pace. The campaign won nationwide, because the President had more staffers, more field offices, and early voting was key. The campaign was “fired up, and ready to go” with phone calls, knocking on doors, meetings, and house parties for over a year, and it paid off complemented by the laser delivery of the President's speeches broadcast on a weekly, and sometimes daily basis that enhanced local efforts.

I spent the last four years improving my typing by watching the campaign. Whenever I surfed channels, and saw a speech on CNN, CSPAN, or MSNBC I'd start typing, because to me the President's words rang logical, poetic, and sincere. However, the next four years I'm going to have to do something results oriented, and strike out on a path to make a difference. Perhaps now I've grasped enough of his spirit as a phenomenol visionary guy to have an achievable plan for the future? How about you? What do you plan to do to make America more yours than your birthright grants you, or your naturalized citizenship status as an American? Many Americans would like to start a business. Here's a start, try to see what you come up with to strengthen yourself, and the democracy you're a part of in the process as you dream, innovate, and discover what matters to you.

Sheldon Adelson spent $50,000,000 attempting to influence the election. As Nina Taylor, Ohio State Senator said, “Money can't by you love,” in an interview about the road to the Whitehouse on MSNBC following the election. Senator Debbie Stabenow kept her seat. Way to go MSU Spartans! As President Obama said in his acceptance speech ( see video) at 1:00 am on November 6th at McCormick place in Chicago, “ We are more than a collection of red states, and blue states. We will forever be the United States of America!”

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Worry Quote by Patricia Britt June 19, 2012

Worry is an obstacle that blocks achievement, and can lead to a broken spirit if you're not always in awe of the blue sky.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Poem: Composers Elevate the World

Composers elevate the world day by day.

It's just their way,
to have something cool to say, or play.

Composers Elevate the World,
in contemplation of the next vocal note,
or the next melody to walk in rhythm to,
whew bugaloo.

Composers do it all.
You bring our lives incredible calm,
To forgo distress around us.

When I'm blue I look to you to,
Lift me up and make me feel golden.

When I'm dizzy,
You make me dizzier,
Especially when you make a new plan stand.

When I need love you give me the love light orchestra
To send me inside, and out on a beautiful spirit wind.

When I want to rock you say come on everybody,
lets do the conga...give me a beat...
how about an electric guitar, or a violin in the wind.

Copyright 2012

Zimation Arts & Poetry: Are poetry concepts for everyone.

You make select your mystery poem topic from either the love, holiday, spiritual, education, children, Father's Day, or leaders categories at this time.You may order all copyrighted laminated poems in pastel, or parchment at $20.00 each in minimum units of 5. Shipping included. Allow two weeks.

You may order 5 of the same poem, one of each, or a double mystery poem on a topic you may name that I will develop.

Then again you may prefer your own glass frame for the poetry that lifts your spirits. In which case I can send a card board print out of the poem you've selected.

Zimation goal is give some words you can relate to for many years in your leisure time.

Please allow 30 days for mystery poems composition if you've selected to name a topic, and two weeks for all others.

An order request is denoted by mailing a check for $60.00 to my po box 15404-

Thank you, for your time, and enjoy the latest Zimation poem above.

Friday, March 30, 2012

PII Can't We All Just Get Along in Melody : Reflections on a Somber Rainbow in Action

Part II – Why Can't We All Just Get Along in Melody: Reflections on a Somber Rainbow in Action by Patricia Britt

This is part two of Why Can't We All Just Get Along in Melody, and from what I've seen this week maybe we can, provided of course if we're able to take a walk in our neighborhood to the store, and return home safely. Every day this week as I rode the streets of a relatively small Midwest city where I've seen a silent protest of children, teenagers, and adults that are in mourning for Trayvon Martin.

Many many many teenagers and adults are wearing hoodies of every description in every color of the rainbow, and then some from plaids, to stripes, to pastels to sweats, and that increases my hope for America.

I've seen sons & daughters, moms, and fathers, sisters, and brothers of every ethnic background from Asian, Latino, Arabs, Italian to Irish, and most certainly African-American children, and adults displaying their sorrow through apparel for all to see their respect for a teenager not yet 18, that they never had the chance to meet. It is my impression that clothing at this time is representative of  holding a symbolic candle of respect for a family in grief for the lost life of their son, gone far too soon.

Lets beam a positive light on blacks, and all children of this generation to minimize the chances or tragedy occurring again. Perhaps if we showed all children, and blacks in particular in the light of achievement, and striving rather than as perpetrators of some sort of irresponsibility fellow Americans would be a bit kinder to them. To show generation X as children of innovation with creative minds would be far more productive than showing them societies downfall especially when so many of them have to navigate away from bully in person, cyber bullys online, and  creepy adults they may encounter on their walk home from the store, or school that are in cars, or on foot tracking, and watching them at every turn. Please don't walk on by when you see a child in distress from an adult bent on being judge, and jury, because the child wasn't t sort an adult wanted to see in his neighborhood.

As I ride from place to place the universal sadness of youth is evident in the clothes they have selected to wear. It's a sad yet beautiful act of unity in respect, and it speaks to all who would dismiss Trayvon Martin as looking for trouble as he talked to his girlfriend on the phone just walking home from the store with his Arizona Ice Tea, and Skittles.

Trayvon Martin's passing has effected so may of us deeply as Americans. Why can't we all just get a long , and live, and let live so we don't have to see all of our children's souls wounded by stereotypical maliciousness that is evidenced in their eyes. If we lived in a perfect world in a perpetual state of justice we could all relax and strive to attain our highest goals knowing that every adult has every child's best interest at heart and wants them to do great things in life, and most importantly that they are safe even if it's just walking from point a to point b, and back home.

No ethnic group has a monopoly on stalking, or creepiness since creeps may be a neighbor, or someone you've never met before times your exit, and entry, and someone who simply sees you for the first time and is inexplicably upset at the sight of your skin in the neighborhood.

You can see the Martin family has tremendous gratitude for the short time they had with their son. Although they'd rather have him alive with them, perhaps what comes out of this tragedy will help our country heal from the profound racial brainwashing we've all been subjected to, so that we can keep kids in school and teach them the complex math & science applications that will propel the United States into the forefront of this century. Many things in life are not fair, and don't make sense like having job hundreds of thousands of job vacancies because American children aren't educated enough to fill them?

Lets get our melody together, and reflect on doing what's right for all of us to make it into the future as a united people. We all have to face reality in this - cell phone world that cruelty exists, and attempt to treat each other better so we can pull together, and not apart.

Copyright 2012

2013 Postscript George Zimmerman, the man cleared in the killing of Trayvon Martin in July 2013 has been in the news as a hero, a highway speeder, and a soon to be divorce' since the trial ended.

2013 November : George Zimmerman is arrested after an altercation with his girlfriend at her house with yet another gun in the hands of a dangerous manipulator.

2014 Post Script Jordan Davis died having been a passenger in a car with loud music at the hands of computer entrepreneur.  Michael Brown died several feet from an authority's car, roughly 15 minutes after a strong arm theft. There are annually around 300 black & brown teen deaths from adult violence of someone of a different ethnicity.

See MSU : Arts & Culture Dance Theatre of Harlem

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Riverdance Jazz Review at MSU March 24 2012

Riverdance Jazz Review at MSU March 24 2012

The Wharton seasons are always guaranteed to be worthwhile.

Riverdance is a sweeping epic of love, joy, pain of sorrow for lost loved ones, survival as a group through war, integration through the sea of love, and substenance from the universe, and universality of man. The Irish struggle of peaks, valleys, and overcoming when the odds were against them in famine, and ancient wars was imparted in the most beautiful impeccable way through the sound of dance. Essentially it's an emotional journey through Irish history, contemplation of man's roots, and love that will carry you through whatever was, and whatever will be in sweetness, strength, and soul. Riverdance is a once in a lifetime emotional maze that everyone should experience at least once, because the dancers incorporate vibrant elements of many dance disciplines complementing the musicians intensity to the ultimate degree in a driving rhythm. I'd say it's Celtic jazz at its very best.

The Riverdance Company was founded in Dublin, Ireland. CD's are available online at

by Patricia Britt
Zimation Arts & Letters

Copyright 2012

P1 TRAYVON : Saggy Pants Role?

P1 : Trayvon : Saggy Pants Role
by Patricia Britt

A freelance rant correspondence on saggy pants role in the Trayvon Martin case, and other tragedies for kindred caring souls....

Young men I'm talking to you as we search for reasons that aren't obvious in George Zimmerman's reaction to Trayvon Martin walking alone in the early evening in Februay. Although in most pictures released by the family he didn't appear to wear saggy pants. Whether he did, or not I'm willing to bet the negative image of those pants was a seed of thought that played a role in his loss...We will question why forever, and a day even though the verdict cleared him.

I've seen every ethnicity in saggy pants this year. What is the problem you may ask? It's a call for attention by looking for a reaction from any one encountered who'll dare to misunderstand.  Free speech comes from contemplation not arousing feelings that would be better left dormant in those that have the power to change your life.

Saggy pants cause confusion, because it doesn't make sense to show the world your backside when you think you deserve a chance to progress as you might perceive everyone else is. Learning your history in depth would be a better avenue to search?

Is there a chance George Zimmerman had seen, and internalized too many television shows like Pawn Stars, yes PAWN STARS effecting his reactions that night that cost Trayvon Martin his life, or could it have been decades of Jerry Springer, Steve Wilkos, and Maury Polvich?

Then maybe the motivation was he resents seeing judges like Joe Brown, or Greg Ross with their articulate clear cut rules, and rhetoric, or could he resent matinee idols, and ambassadors of decency in newsmen who forget another man's color when he hears a good speech spoken from the heart of positive change.

Then again could it be that these clothes distributors "WHOEVER" THEY ARE " CRANKING OUT these below the belt ~ waist saggy pants modeled after rappers, convicts, & slaves, COMING SOON TO A SUBURB NEAR YOU, distributing them world wide in the "WAR ON WOMEN" from psychologically disturbed MULTINATIONAL CEO's in power with yards of Perfect Fabric to be tailored, or whatever they do with it for the naive become a subliminal neon signs (THERE CAN'T BE MORE THAN 7 MAJOR "DISTRIBUTORS WORLDWIDE," can there? AND WHO'LL POST THESE MANUFACTURER'S BRAND NAMES so the majority of us won't buy their other garments either) are responsible for the way young men like Trayvon are perceived if they're in saggy pants, or not?

It appears from pictures of Trayvon that his hoodie that has been popular in American culture since at least the 70's in sweatsuit form could have been one of the psychological elements that triggered something in this Soulless male who took a child of promise from the Universe as the child must have looked at his face in his last moments on earth? Whatever the case regardless of the circumstances a man with 1/2 heart, and brain might have broken a limb of a child with a weight advantage versus ending another PERSON'S life whether intentional, or in the heat of the moment? 

YOUNG MEN ISN'T IT WORTH it in Trayvon's honor, even in C. Delores Tucker's honor, or especially in the CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS whose members are composed of heroes devoted to encouraging you by example, and clearing your path so that you can apply your intellect to whatever you can meditate on, to pursue. Instead of making them wonder who they're working for, even though it's only a small percentage that disrupt the wheels of advancement? Politicians are verbally battling for you in the words they compose for your welfare each day, continuing the struggle to hold on to rights hard gained. Don't brush them off by not giving them an assist through your actions so they know you're on the same team.

How about the ladies? You might think it's appealing, but it's downright pitiful as something out of a scary movie. At least have a change of clothes with some GEEKY fashion in your wardrobe, and see how people perceive you on occassion, especially when you go for employment. I'm sure GEEKY old fashioned regular pants will increase your odds of survival for EACH OTHER everywhere you go? Keep on poppin your collar young bloods, and grinding on your jobs, working hard. Every time I see your quick intelligence at a Burger King, or telecommunications store, or even at an adminstrative level I'm proud to see you there onward & upward, AND PRAY YOU CAN SOAR UP THE CHAIN WHERE YOU ARE, BECAUSE RACISM TAKES SO MANY FORMS CONCIOUS, AND SUBCONCIOUS. 


To school administrators whatever happened to a school dress code, because free speech doesn't include distracting the class from learning, and debating concepts to be the center of attention.
Bottomline: To every young man who wants to be somebody, know that those pants make people weary, not amused. Be practical if you can do it, and make a change, because today is the first day of the rest of your life...

If everyone respected, lived, and let lived, life would be easier, however all you can do is do your part so you can see your way out of seemingly no win situations in order to win by following the beat of the drum major in for justice in some small way, starting with your clothes would would honor Dr. king who allowed you to be who you are whoever that happens to be.


by Patricia Britt

Copyright 2012 / 2013 ~ Zimation Arts & Letters

Part I in 3/31/12 - Revised August 29, 2013 

9/20/2013 Postscript George Zimmerman, the man cleared in the killing of Trayvon Martin in July 2013 has been in the news as a hero, a highway speeder, and a soon to be divorce' since the trial ended.

2013 November : George Zimmerman is arrested after an altercation with his girlfriend at her house with yet another gun in the hands of a dangerous manipulator.

Please see Reflections on a Somber Rainbow, The Triumph of Trayvon, Raps Impact, 21st Century Education, Race Relations, & more...