
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Poetry Reflections On Love & Belief

by Patricia Britt

Love is everything.
Love is the real thing.
Love makes your heart sing.
Love makes you feel you can do anything.

True Love Stands the Test of Time.
Devotion to Emotion,
Is the Essence of Love.
Being to Being,
Soul to Soul,
Forever & a Day is really OK.
Copyright 2008 - 2013

by Patricia Britt

I dream of you.
You dream of me.
I love you.
You love me.
Togetherness is so cozy.

You're my buddy.
My soul mate too.
You're so true blue.

We run together.
We are one,
In the light of the sun,
Through whatever might come.

Copyright 2008 - 2013
by Patricia Britt

God is Love.
Love is God.
God is good.
Good is God.

Love is not envious.
Love is healing.
Believe in the Love that connects us all.
Left, right, center, and circular we experience.
Love are the hues & shapes of our Universe.

God is a Mystery to Behold.
Mystery is Eternal Unity of the Soul,
As Infinite as the Sky,
And as bright as the Sun.
Electric is our Universe.

Brown is the Greatest Love of All.
Blue is a Paradox.
Tan is a Puppy.
Green is the Earth.
Violet is true Beauty.
Black is the Beginning of Love.
Yellow is a Rose.
White are the Clouds.
Pink is the Soul.
Creme is a bird in the Sky.

All Hues are Butterflies.

Copyright 2013

by Patricia Britt

Valentine's Day is a time for love.
Romantic LOVE is a gift from above.

When you're not in love,
Cherish your friendships,
To experience comforting love.

As long as you live,
Love is a possibility.
Love centers life.
Love is always right.

Give Love to the world.
Share your love with the world.
And be a blessing to the Universe.

Copyright 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Thailand Serenity

Internet Possibilities - 2012 SOPA & Michael Moore

I am a constituent and I urge you to reject the Internet Blacklist Bills (PROTECT IP Act in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act in the House). I am deeply concerned by the danger these bills pose to Internet security, free speech online, and innovation. The Internet Blacklist Legislation is dangerous and short-sighted, and I urge you to join Senator Wyden and other members of Congress, such as Representatives Lofgren, Eshoo and Issa, in opposing it.

The paragraph above was generated from Michael Moore's web site that was blacked out until midnite mid 2012 in protest of the SOPA legislation before Congress. Michael Moore has brought some thought provoking information to our culture since he's been on the scene as a filmmaker, activist, and advocate. When Michael Moore speaks we listen, and whether we agree, or not on every issue he always has a point as a decision maker who's earned a place at the table of contemplation, and action.

They say journalist should not be a part of the story. They also say the lines of journalism have been blurred, and anyone with a keyboard can be a journalist whether they have a degree, or not in this day, and age with, or without the benefit of good judgment, because we live in a surprising, and awesome country that started the Internet with an American grant that former Vice President Al Gore was involved in achieving.

This article consists of Michael Moore's position on Internet freedom, and my support of that iniative by including my communication to Congress on this issue. I don't know if Al Gore supported it too.

I agree with the "author" of the preceding paragraph and would like to add that the Internet brings me joy in my voyage to search for the good things in life through my finger tips since I don't have the economic means to explore the world through physical travel. In the last 5 years it's always felt good to know that whenever I have the desire to hear an old sweet love song, a favorite artist, see what's new, or to find a modern musician following in the positive stream of Earth Wind & Fire I can go to,,, and numerous other sites to hear them.

Then again it's such a relief to know is there if I want to research a jazz artists journey for my own satisfaction, view someone's achievement against the odds, or for the simple love of the vibrations of an artists soul through quotes, and interviews. There is a rich legacy on the Internet that allows young people to rediscover trail blazers. www.wikipedia is outta sight for so many reasons particularly when you consider the young lady who may be a key figure in curing cancer with light therapy grasping the fundamental knowledge of trial, and error from the Internet as I recall it was predicted by an expert interviewed on 60 Minutes many years ago, stating that a child of obscurity from anywhere in the world with any economic status might discover the solution to any of the worlds problems with unlimited access to the facts contained on the world wide web to explore possibilities.

Isn't discovery the ultimate revolutionary pinnacle envisioned, and fulfilled in Steve Jobs popular innovations, and dream for intellectual equality that could even be the root for solving world hunger someday. With technology anything's possible for a child, or a keyboard journalist when well read. And if you prefer what's going on in reality television over the cyberspace try a sample of Congress one day on C-Span, and you can see the debate for equality is still being waged through the pleasant air of civility this country was founded on. And that's why the debate over the Internet will continue, and no doubt Michael Moore will keep us all informed on new technology legislation.

Transparency: I sent Michael Moore a resume - participation in a documentary would be a valuable experience to have.

by Patricia Britt
Copyright 2012 - 2013
Zimation Arts & Letters: Poetry Concepts

November 2014 President Obama supports net neutrality