Thoughts on Modern Youth Achievement Since MLK, JR.
In the 45 years since the passing of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The education system seems to have
crumbled. History textbooks don't expound upon brave leaders, and
life stories of triumph aren't delved into enough for children to
have role models to aspire to.
Therefore it's
my opinion the best chance for modern youth to have half a chance at
going the extra mile and be successful in education, work, life, and
love is if they apply themselves towards reading guidance literature
like Berne Transactional Analysis the Games People Play, James T.
Mangan's The Knack of Selling Yourself, Maya Angelou, and Kahlil
Gibran, and seek Maslow's techniques of touch around home, since hugs
are being criminalized in the schools.
Freudian concepts are outdated, and
have damaged society warping many into a one track mindset, that may
lead to bullying.