The Seduction of Smoke
By Patricia Britt
Smoking cigarettes, and cigars are the ultimate toxic crutch that some people start in social situations, or to soothe internal wounds from trauma while every puff reduces our quality of life, determines our relationships, effects our youth, and our planet. Since one of the biggest drawbacks for long term smokers are health problems like cancer, insomnia, and Alzheimers. it’s best never to start smoking, or to quit while you have a real chance to gain the sweet caress Fresh Air allows, instead of the stifling environment Smoke creates.
Americans became aware of the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes in the 20th century. Now most people know the toxic dangers early on. With each special brand designed to appeal to ones uniqueness, there’s marketing, and packaging for every style. Tobacco manufacturers will always have a market as long as smoking is sociable, poverty is pervasive, and the void of sorrow exists. Even though there are a number of toxic ingredients, like arsenic, people continue to share time with Smoke!. Swirly, geometic, flowered lighters are good company for lonely hearts, and Smoke knows its circle's advantage in its seduction.
There is a satirical movie called Thank You For Smoking that illustrates the influence of lobbyist, and Hollywood in extending America’s relationship with smoking that everyone effected by “Smoke” should view in order to logically consider if you want to continue something that hurts you, and others. The main character was a handsome guy named Aaron Eckhart, with Sam Elliot as the Marlboro Man in a supporting role.
One of Yule Brynner’s last efforts at making an impact on the world was in an illuminating Public Service Announcement condemning smoking due to its tragic impact on his life. Anyone who wasn’t aware of the dangers before, should have known after his last convincing portrayal of humanity for all to comprehend. I don’t recall how long the networks ran that PSA, but I’ll always remember his bravery in making it, and love him for his efforts. Yul Brynner’s career was as courageous as he was. It’s too bad that PSA isn’t still broadcast now, and then.
Even though Joe Camel, and that dreamy Marlboro Man have ridden off into the smoke free ad sunset, new teasers have taken their place. Smoking is still advertised in ethnic communities on prominently placed billboards, tobacco’s key marketplace.
Although smokers in their 40’s, and older people were once bombarded with both subliminal, and overt glamorized television advertising in the 20th century, could that be the only reason for Smoke’s magnetic pull? Do people just start smoking at some point, and never manage to let it go? Why do people smoke? There are as many reasons as there are cigarettes in a pack. Is smoking impressive to anyone? Do people develop the habit as teens going along with the crowd? Are smoker’s emulating someone they admired in person, on film, or a billboard? Lauren Bacall, and Humphrey Bogart should have received stock options for their cool smoky presence. They were a sexy pair, and many followed their lead.
Let’s consider the attitudes of smokers. Many non-smokers perceive smokers as inherently inferior, illogical, and weak willed to indulge in a habit that is known to cause death. Non-smokers are perplexed by anyone that would consider harming themselves, after seeing the facts on the news, and in magazines. Although some non-smokers choose to live and let live not questioning the behavior, or the implications of second hand smoke, while still others are reformed smokers that don’t want to be tempted back into a life threatening habit, or have outgrown the desire, and aroma, because of the scientific statistics. Then some people are allergic, and simply can’t stand the smell. Then there are some smokers who can take it, or leave it.
Once upon a time smokers engaged in this social activity in bars, and even the work place until banned, wisely due to the diligence of caring health conscious activists applying pressure on states across the country in this century to stop smoking in public places.
Statistically speaking every cigarette takes 15 minutes off your life. However, it only takes a year to heal a large portion of your lungs after quitting that smoking jerk! Those toxins will work their way out of your system to make room for the Air that really cares about you, when you quit. The you’ll have the energy to work out, and keep pure Oxygen tingling through every cell in your entire body darling! It time to leave the seduction of Smoke behind.
Twenty percent of American adults kick it with Smoke, and 20% of the teen population, although your average name brand cigarettes are $6.00 - $14.00 varying among states including taxes. Say you pay $10.00 per pack, that’s $3,650.00 per year. Talk about up in smoke - that’s a trip on a cruise line! Ask yourself how many concerts did you miss 365 24/7 trying to forget your despair with no music in the air, missing out on experiencing the oxygen level that was just right for you, while Smoke was taking up all your time.
If you’re a teen embarking on this habit, and select cigar packs over cigarette packs, because they’re cheaper in the short run, you should consider the long run on the good health you’re missing out on. Smoker’s Choice cigars came on the scene around 2000, and the impact is yet to be measured by health experts. Everything that glitters is not gold, and a $5.00 bargain may end up costing you more than you bargained for sweetheart.
There’s no doubt smoking is a slow self-imposed sentence of poor health for anyone who bets their life against the tobacco health house odds, because Smoke is always there for you, just a step away honey, so you have to realize you deserve better.
You can read numerous articles online about smoking, or follow Journal of Medicine reports,, and on random web sites. The American Cancer Association web site, or are good places to start looking at tools to help you quit dear.
There are many statistical reasons no one should entertain Smoke in addition to ostracism, divorce, snow breaks in the cold, tarnished teeth, wrinkled skin, smoky hair, and clothes, besides that, the Airy person you’re interested in might not give you serious consideration, or even a second look, because you smoke. If you’re serious about quitting and experiencing the pure joy you deserve there are many products to help you in addition to building will power, like patches, and teas. Technology, what would we do without it? It’s time to turn over a new leaf, and go get online with that strong heart desires an Airy independent soul…profile … who wants to be there for you...!
Smoking is a seductive habit that sneaks up on so many in their youth, or anyone at any state in life experiencing hard times. For some people once they start they never quit, and the relationship with Smoke builds until their doctor tells them it’s time to say goodbye, because the body is a temple to be cherished for clear Air’s path to treated you right, and outta sight.
If you don’t Smoke you can reach hire, run faster, slow down your body’s deterioration, and live longer. Don’t waste your life on a habit you can leave at any time, whenever you decide you’re in control. Not smoking leaves you free to tap into more of your abilities to think clearer, and love longer. Not smoking is treating yourself like the royalty you know you are, instead of like a marooned lover overwhelmed by a sensual sensation that’s not as good as the first time, because it’s not based on a respectful flow, you know. Smoke can be captivating at the start darling.
Pamper yourself with more cash, and more time for Fresh Air to fill your lungs with the Oxygen you need, and the convenience of not having to leave your cozy home to lose money keeping up with a user. Listen when I tell you I heard it all before, Smoke doesn’t care about you at all. Study tobacco for what it is, trade in smoking, because Fresh Air will treat you so much better than Smoke ever will. So do it today, get away while you know you can live a good life with fewer wrinkles of worry in your mirror.
Shake off Smoke’s cold shoulder, and let Airs gentle touch glide through your heart as you walk in the park. Stop messing around with Smoke, you can live stronger when your goals are in unison, not opposition to your health. Dance, Zumba, salsa, and sweat to replenish Oxygen’s particles, and get into a smooth groove with Airs healing properties caressing your organs to whisk you away to make your day. Mesmerize your molecules with an energetic glow, like never before on a breezy night, so you can take flight on the glory of life. How can you stand Smoke’s harsh demands when you could have the undivided attention of Air drifting through your soul. Let Fresh Air fill you up, snuggle, and kiss the sizzle goodbye, because when it's time to go, it's time to go, because you know Oxygen adores you more so run with the truth, treat it right, and expand your horizons.
Now do some soul searching. Quit, and don’t look back. Lose that dirty laundry, and win Air’s heart. You know Oxygen is the partner you can grow old with, and reach new heights in the breeze that’s fresh, that doesn’t knock you to your knees, and have you cry out please! You can do it, if you believe it, you can achieve it. Hear Air’s SOS to embrace the opportunity to be dazzled, and nourished by its sweet aroma. Be kind to yourself, everyone, and the planet. Now breath deep, and experience the true peace we all desire to achieve euphoria when your attitude towards Air determining your internal love altitude?
2012 Copyright Zimation Arts & Letters Ink