Maya Angelou led an exceptional journey as an exceptional woman of the world thru arts & letters.
Our memory will always be a memorial or rising for the greater good. Books by Maya Angelou on her own website
Song: Deniece Williams ~ Black Butterfly
Lee Ann Womack ~ I Hope You Dance
Kitty Wells ~ God put a rainbow in the clouds
Bebe & Marvin Winans ~ Stand ~ Love & Freedom CD
... after you've done all you can, you just stand....
Wake Forest Homecoming June 7, 2014
Oprah Winfrey
I cannot fill her shoes, I can walk in her footsteps. We must carry on, and passon her poetry of respect ... whatever you do, want you to take it all the way.
Michelle Obama ....fearfully & wonderfully made .... Phenomenal Woman essence of us .... our own worth ... authentic ... she showed us if we stay true to our self the world will embrace us... something divine about her ... she will always be with us...
Reverend Churn - literary quotes Tennisson .... Jesus said, as I live you will live also ...proverbs 31:10 King Lemuel mother's instructions to find a virtuous woman ... a self assured resourceful loving woman charm grace poet writer teacher dancer thought of all of her many talents ... loved her family ... she loved all people ... more alike than different ... woman of faith ... God's child.
Son ~ spoke to the commonality of all ... regardless of nationality .... anything that diminishes a human being diminishes all.... courage most important virtue to exercise other virtues with consistency without it .... when you learn teach when you get give ... Thanks mom for the lessons we all need ...
Son's Mother's Day poem
sequined in the black silver sky of night ... look within themselves and find their best .... lighting path through the dark shadow land .... more than mere flesh and bone to love and be loved .... fortune graces me like none other for this star this nova is my mother.
Valerie Simpson ~ we are all sparrows ... if you know spirit you know she's here, and I think she saying by now see you around ... remember me as a sunny day you once had ... made you laugh when you were down .... remember me as a breath of spring remember me as a good thing...
On be half of my family I would like to thank you for loving my Grandma ... family fabric ... she was the smartest most gracious elegant woman I've ever known ... people will forget what you've said, forget what you did ... if you felt half of what she made me feel you've been blessed... Thank you.

Obituary: ... Her life and her body of literary work trumpet the importance of love, tolerance and forgiveness. She was a warrior for truth, justice and love.
Echoes of Maya Angelou
By Patricia Britt
No, I won’t tell you I was
But, what I will tell you is
I tried.I developed the courage to try, you see.
As I mastered each new step on my journey,
With an open heart.
Choo Choo!
I got some things done,
And I rose with style in my quest for knowledge,
And understanding, and wisdom.
I even made time for onions & green peppers.
And I did it with empathy, and prayer.
I gathered a gumbo of people
to keep me open, and young.
As I found my way trying new
things in each chapter of my life.
What did I do?
You felt my heart I gave to you.I followed my heart.
My heart is volumes deep,
You can rediscover my songs of truth,
Anytime you seek to find the simple treasure in our communication.
I’m free to explore with the
spirits of the universe.
Build on all I’ve left for
you my dears,And always grow.
We’re all stair steps to & through the stars you know.
I’m of the sky twirling on mountaintops.
I’m of the earth, and the sun exceeding motion.
I’m of the aura of ether enveloped,
in the kindness of dark matter through infinity.
2014 Zimation Arts &
Letters Ink