
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Recording : Can Beats Owners Turn Around Interscopes Damage?

Can Beats Owners Turn Around Interscopes Damage?
By Patricia Britt

Can Beats Owners Turn Around Interscopes Damage to society through their decades of vulgar words through a college "music" program degree in California? Businessmen Dr. Dre ( Andre Young rapper/producer), and Jimmy Lovine (Producer) have earned money through the hate they’ve multiplied in tracks since the 80’s with the acts they’ve promoted that’ve removed women from a pedestal of protection to a mere material conquest to be had, and  tossed aside for a legacy up to this point.

In May of 2013 they donated $70 million to help young adults seeking an education, and to immortalize themselves with an undergraduate program called the USC Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation.

Apple Executive Tim Cook bought Beats  Music for a recorded 3.2 billion including Apple shares and a seat at the table as executives for Beats at Apple in the quest to keep the Iphone number one. Besides the quality of the audio products  produced, and streaming capabilities Apple executives upon noting the contribution to a historical college where young adults interested in any genre can apply themselves to the arts was probably an element in their decision to give these businessmen the means to help more of the people’s children they’ve hurt with the lyrics they’ve disseminated into the universe that’s made the world less safe for women, and consequently in turn for young men in America if there’s any correlation between the rising rate of incarceration for ethnic males as the rap business has grown. in addition to sending a message around the world that self interest is supreme above mutual respect.

Perhaps their business endeavors will take the direction of quality of life vs a negative spiral of life with the power to perpetuate hope through material gifts to youth. Can the Beats founder's undo some of the damage most likely caused through Interscope Records in its beginning, and work on a safer world for the founders grandchildren, and everyone else, or are school donations just hush money to show change?

The intended residue of an arts education can only help through the visible results of the graduates impact on society within time to give the world a new imprint of who America is, and can be.
The legacy of rap is more unmarried women raising children alone, because men have lost trust, and respect for women they're physically programmed to protect, because they've been reprogrammed with images to neglect? Once upon a time there was room for Houdini, and PM Dawn now it seems that the material mantra is all there is.

I see the remnants every day with young men swearing regardless of any lady present seeking attention no matter what kind. I see quiet young men listening to their IPhones on the way to fast food service jobs with their uniform on that might be given a chance to work at a higher paying job if their stereotypical image weren't imbedded in employment decision makers minds.

Maybe rap moguls, and athletes will start a nationwide trend, and expand programs that give impoverished youth bikes in the summer so kids can be preoccupied with a breeze instead of the violence that sometimes surrounds them. 
  Since Beats Music is essentially an electronics company maybe Dr. Dre will try building a reliable alarm clock with volume, and name recognition that a job applicant, and employee can rely on to get them to work on time, or perhaps an athletic conglomerate will look into being number one in that arena.

If you're into music you should always shop around. Berklee school of music has a distinguished track record

Black on black crime has skyrocketed since the dawn of rap music. You can even go to the Internet and see videos of violence involving rap. Which is all the more reason to bring musical instruments back to our schools in K12, and beyond.
Zimation Arts & Letters Ink 2014

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