
Saturday, November 8, 2014 Villainy or Guidance  Villainy vs Guidance vs Feminine Safety

By Patricia Britt 

A letter to primarily black males of this era.

Doesn't it make you wonder why Little Wayne is always on entertainment news, and Maxwell isn't. No free publicity for a mover, & shaker with ethereal qualities, but seeing Chris Brown is an almost daily occurrence, perpetuating the violence, and envy machine. 

Women have free speech rights too, and that includes not talking to you, just because you made an approach no matter how overt, or harmless you might feel about it. The CNN broadcast of the hollaback video a few days before the election should make you stop, and think about how you want to be perceived as black men in this technological age of cameras on every corner. Sometimes women don’t speak to you, because they have somewhere to go, whether that be home, or school. Sometimes women don’t speak to you, because they’re cautious about their contacts. Think about how you perceive Judge Glenda Hatchett, Sunny Hostin, Toni Braxton (2014 Book ), Jennifer Lopez (2014 Book), Wendy Williams, vs Rhiana vs Alicia Keys. Rhiana’s goal is to be Mae West, where Alicia Keys goal is to be Sade. Each woman is different, and most want respect, whether that’s silent admiration, in the right place at the right time, or not. Some women present themselves certain ways to solidify their image, to follow their soul, or acting out of the box their painted into. All women aren’t the same.
Most of you reading in were born in the technological age of television, and you have internalized the images that have been projected to you, and at you. The entertainment industry is predominantly controlled by white males with some serious issues i.e. Dexter, and Stalker are on our airwaves. Every white mail is not a Tom Hanks, or a Paul Newman, and it’s important you realize you’ve been bombarded by negativity, but you have the choice to think for yourself as the creator gave you free will. You have the choice to respect yourself, and women like your mother.
When I was young, decades ago, men of different backgrounds would follow me in their cars while I walked. White men would cruise our neighborhood. Being followed terrified me, and it made me a fast walker with my hourglass shape. So I thanked God for descent men that didn’t give me a second look, especially when I was on the job doing my work, where I as any woman needed to concentrate on priorities for career advancement, paying my own way for shelter, being a fashion plate, and taking care of business. Men can impact a woman’s life positively, or negatively with the way they relate to her in a variety of venues, whether a stranger, acquaintance, or boyfriend. Don’t plot to ruin a woman’s reputation, because she won’t give you the time of day. Move on to someone who will treasure you even if you don’t make a connection instantly. Anyone worth having is worth the wait it takes to get to know someone who wants to know you.
The truth of the matter is men idolize women with either their hearts, minds, eyes or all of the above in good, and bad ways, and it’s been that way since the dawn of time.
It was a shame the model interviewed from the hollaback web site received perhaps 100 hollers of unwanted attention in broad daylight in a city of 7 million.
The moral to the story is young guys, and even older guys need guidance, and to be reprogrammed into how to treat a lady (from decades of rap, and heavy metal tracks), and that’s any lady walking down the street alone in the daytime, or the night time possibly from a second shift job trying to get home, commuting to school, or home to her babies so that she feels protected, and looked out for, and not ashamed for existing.
If you’re a together man take some of the guys from the block to the pool hall, and play some billiards with them. Teach them the angles on the table, and the angles on getting what they want, if they ask the right way in due time, perhaps a woman might be receptive, and seeking out ones company versus high pressure tactics the other way around! Every stroke is different, and the soft angles are the most effective. Isleys ppn boom is a case in point.
Some modern girls wait, some take a chance, and will wave back trying not to offend your awkward advance. Please just assess the situation before you step into her world with loud cat calls, and honking from your car calling everyone’s attention to her in the immediate area, whether she acknowledges you, or tries to walk away in peace, perhaps insulted by your idea of a complimentary approach. If you’re a woman and you look at Bing, Yahoo, or CNN you carry a certain degree of fear at all times, especially if someone’s attempting to make contact at night. The girl you desire might not watch Bravo or listen to rap, or heavy metal when it’s her choice, and if she does she still might not want to be distracted by you.
CNN played a critical role in the recovery of a nurse abducted in the city of brotherly love, and saved by a dedicated network of police. Three women were held in Cleaveland for a decade as slaves, and who knows how many missing persons that were women, would have been alright if their intuition had kicked in, and they had the chance not to acknowledge their torturer. Give a girl a chance to live in peace, and in turn yourself. Girls don’t know who they’re talking to these days, and many prefer not to talk at all. Respect that. Please contemplate what you want out of life, and how to get it with a legitimate hustle, generally gained from a community college, university education, or something positive so someone might reach out to pick you, because you know where you're going.
A woman’s goal is to be secure in herself, and achieve whatever she can. Man has historically been a protector, whether in or out of the military. As a man wherever you are, you have the possibility to achieve if you apply the opportunities of building your life through perseverance. Don’t give up, and go with the crowd. If you can take someone’s love for you through a sermon of words,  you might develop the quiet space to see your way to the horizon with peace. Home ownership is the goal to a pleasurable life. Guys like Richard Sherman know that shouting is for the field of sports not the board room of life. Some people are gifted with athletics, music, art, math, etc., find your gift, and increase it while you contemplate your life over a bowl of Cambells Chunky Soup, and support someone besides yourself.
Girls go to bars to dance. Introduce yourself there, or at church. Don’t treat a woman like a low life shouting at her as she walks down the street, because it’s dangerous to respond in this day, and age when you don't know who you're talking to.
Girls keep your keys out, and ready if you have to walk at night. Beware at all times. Get ready because another rap movie is in production, and I haven’t heard a word about the Donald Byrd story in development? My feminine perspective is we need to see some soul searching men center stage on the big screen for someone to aspire to. It’s time to change the entertainment game. It depresses women, and men about what’s to come, especially if they've ever experienced grief. What new scenario could possibly be next?
Black youth are traumatized after analyzing the distance Michael Brown was from the car when he was struck down, and Jordan's "loud" music in a car where he was a passenger, that tragically cost him his life. Black men are traumatized for fear for their sons, cousins, and nephews after over 300 incidents of superiority in the last year directed at young black males. Logically 10% should be scrutizned closely. 

Twitter can be a partially safe place where the clueless can adopt a parent, make friends, and stream in positive thoughts with discernment, or the knowledgeable can nourish the soul of those desiring a connection with someone who's navigated life's twists & turns. If it doesn’t look right unfollow it immediately. Don’t villainize yourself, or let anyone villainize you. Stand tall for walking the straight, and narrow on the road to achievement, or fall from a crooked path someone paved for you.

Every young man isn't Jesse Matthews, or Devlin Barnes, because they whistle at a female. However, it's clearly a dangerous world, and a safer world with the FBI's resources, and the technology of video tape. Sad but true, because black males largely didn't vote this election cycle to let politicians know you felt neglected in the relationship, now you will be even more scrutinized for a small percentage of your brethren's actions. To vote is to steer your mothership in an uplifting direction, and groove.
Always be your brother's & sister's keeper not their adversary. 2014 new books that might hold your attention is Philip Bailey, “Shining Star (EWF)", Herbie Hancock “Possibilities,” and George Benson, “BENSON” for rights of male passage. Then there's Chante Moore, “Would You Marry Me,” and Jennifer Lopez "True Love." All available on Amazon. Read & expand your mind. Don't be boxed in by popular opinion. Just because someone says it's so, doesn't mean it's so. Each of you is a grain of sand that can build castles. As Taylor Swift would say "Speak Now" or forever hold your peace.

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