Spiritual Leader : Reverend Dr. Michael Murphy
A powerful man of God with wisdom, and tremendous promise of more to achieve has passed away. He was a bridge builder. With every word Pastor Murphy showed praise, glory, and honor to God. He was a man of spirit, wisdom, poetry, and progress. He laced his sermons with quotes from great poets, and history makers bringing scriptures into a contemporary perspective that touched your heart whether young, or old. He would preach in conversational tones that soothed, and inspired, "When you praise, honor, and glory God he will order your steps," and quoting from Romans 12, Corinthians, Ephesians, and the Gospels often. Whatever talent anyone had he encouraged their goals.
He served effectively around 20 years in the State of Michigan Legislature as a Representative for the 68th district, while Pastor at St. Stephens in Lansing, He was a proud big 10 alumni in addition to a Masters in Divinity & Doctorate in Ministry. He set goals, and reached them.
In recent years he was Pastor at Peoples Congregational UCC in Washington, DC.
peopleschurchucc.org Listen to Ministers Moments to get a sense of this great spiritual teacher.
Song: Mahalia Jackson ~ Everytime I Feel the Spirit

Song: Mahalia Jackson ~ Everytime I Feel the Spirit
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