
Monday, September 29, 2014

Tastes of MSU : Interpretations

By Patricia Britt

There is a restaurant called The Embassy located near a Target retail store. To name a restaurant associated with tragedy with the Boston tragedy so near in time puzzles me. My first reaction as an American was that to name the restaurant The Embassy after what happened in Benghazi is complete arrogance, disrespect, or incredible ignorance depending on when it was built.

I was insulted when I saw the name of that restaurant, but I reasoned perhaps the Lansing, East Lansing area is a high police stop area, and middle easterners might feel the same as other ethnic groups – targeted while driving. Therefore they named the restaurant in light of complaints in their community as a haven for humiliated souls, or maybe it was just a business decision that had nothing to do with the atmosphere, thinking an international name in a high business district across from the Lansing, Mall would attract patrons?

Everyone including ethnic communities appreciate the variety of ethnic food around town, and visit ethnic, and white establishments. You can always count on the quality of El Azteco, and Famous Taco, especially the salsa, and Chimichangas. You have to try a Chimichanga topped with guacamole at both, and compare. Then there’s the Greek Pizza at Bells, modern fare at Applebees, Youbuywefry fish places are favorites with the one on MLK, and the new one on Kalamazoo. World Buffett near the Lansing Mall has as excellent variety  of dishes including a chef stir fry. Then if you just want a hunk of meat – go to the Meat Company in Old Town. Then there’s always the International Red Lobster by the bay in Frandor. Then again you can always take a journey to any other sensations in the area. It’s your choice to go with the flow, or stay away.

I’ve known a few Arabs in my lifetime, mostly superficially. I even kissed one 30 years ago. He was one of the cutest guys I’d ever seen at that time. He had dark skin, and he thought something was wrong with him once he came to America to go to school, before returning to his homeland after graduation, because of the way he was treated, compared to his lighter skinned friends. It’s sad when someone as attractive as a Michael Jackson thinks they have to change their skin tone to be accepted by the majority. America is a melting pot, and many middle easterners have had American children in the last 30 years. Maybe ongoing love, and future love will open hearts to protect the freedoms we have each, and every day.

One of my acquaintances married a middle eastern guy and had children. Another guy I met was a corporate executive in Michigan choosing to stay in this country, and one day he said, you know what they call me, with watery eyes, and I said what, sensing mild alarm. “They call me a “Sand N.” I thought wow, what a waste of words, and attitude in a land of 6 syllables – Chrysanthemum – It’s a paradox the ethnic has to live with weathering the initial shock of the common insult, that's usually unexpected, and ruins your day. Then learning to live with it in order to still feel happy in ones world. Arabs as all other ethnic groups have some cross to bear, that is the pink elephant in the room once something negative has been said. Hurtful words, or deeds stay with you on either side, whether, or not its frequent, or rare. You simply continue to function, going the extra mile working twice as hard to be perceived as equal in the hope you might be promoted someday, and overcome the bias that exists through reason when your goal is acceptance.

The foreign students who come to MSU are usually trained in their country of origin through their k12 system. Once here it's easy to find American study partners anxious to share knowledge, or anxious to compete intellectually. We are the givers. We all exchange music, and many of us reach out in friendship to all we encounter. Many middle eastern ethnic families in this area are three to four generations, because many of the students that came in the 70’s and 80’s or before must have thought anywhere along 94 was a good place to stay, and build a family, because Michigan is one of the greenest agricultural states of beauty.

The Embassy restaurant probably won’t ever change their name to show solidarity with America, but if they did, it would show they’re more caring than offensive in their income stream with people who allowed them to open a business as any other American even though it was an odd name selection in a turbulent time.

Hummus is a popular dip that many enjoy, for its health benefits. The fabric of America is a mosaic welcoming all, to do business free of oppression. Can we share our cultures without being cynical, only time will tell.

A veil of golden strings is beautiful, yet inhibiting. God loves us all more in a moment than anyone could in a lifetime, if you keep his law, and love your fellowman to live long, and prosper in your faith.

2014 Copyright Zimation Arts & Letters Ink

Travel : Big City Contemplations

By Patricia Britt

In Chicago the Greyhound Bus Corporation, & Indian Trails don’t think it’s a priority to have seating and a shelter from the elements for the people who drive their economic engine, the poor that take buses to and from Chicago’s 95th Street terminal. Is it a budget concern, an oversight, or just a callous, "We’re the best game in town, so what if a grandmother, or a teenager has to sit on the ground to wait for a bus, or stand in the rain then so be it.

Life shouldn’t be so difficult when someone is paying the set rate of a business that depends on them, and they depend on. 

The only advantage is to book trips two weeks in advance, and get a discount with Greyhound. is no refunds, but the fares are much better. 

Greyhound’s times have more options.

2014 Copyright Zimation Arts & Letters Ink

Chicago Brother’s Keepers Initiative

Chicago Brother’s Keepers Initiative
By Patricia Britt

To drive down Lake Shore drive is to experience a mechanical miracle even though South Shore might need some roadwork. Lake Shore Drive is middle Americas California Coastline. To take State street all the way downtown, and points east along the Dan Ryan is a cool experience. It’s Chicago’s technological Grand Canyon. And somewhere along that strip may be the President’s library in another 6 years.

Do we as Americans just want to say ain’t it awful, or should we be signing up in droves to the “Brother’s Keeper Initatives to strengthen our country by investing in youth?

I haven’t read the “Brother’s Keeper” goal statement thoroughly, but I know it’s designed to give minority youth a chance by saving them with opportunities and tools that lead to thinking outside the box, primarily getting them to graduation if they are k12, and hopefully picking up the pieces of those in limbo having graduated without jobs, college bound, or in a college, or a University by letting them know they are valued.

I’m sure there’s a give back element where each one can teach one. We need teacher unions, relevant teachers with a sincere interest in preparing all of America for tomorrow.  We need relevant textbooks. We need many more things both material, and existential to give students the “feeling” that they’re cared about, and can do it, whatever that is – Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Chemistry, Technology, STEM work to repair our crumbling infrastructure, and prepare us for the future. We need these city kids on wind farms so they begin to get a concept they’re made of stardust, that they sparkle, and they’re part of the plan to achieve the American Dream – Homeownership and a love to protect, and be secure in so they’ll want to work together to dream bigger, and keep what they’ve earned, maybe invent something as life changing as an IPhone.

The only surety for young black men these days is that they could become a victim of egotistic teachers that kick them out of class putting them on a road to hardship that could lead to incarcerate, or worse. They see news crusaders on the screen, and the nice people in situation comedies but many times the real life person they encounter might not be that caring, and even block the door to opportunity for the gifted with potential who don’t know the course to achievement.

Chicago to offer one urban hub, will most likely be where President Obama will build his presidential library the business people, and athletes will be instrumental in pushing the educators to prepare these young men to become architects who know a blueprint inside out, besides the 1000’s of jobs that will probably be generated in construction all over the city to fill the jobs gap at every level. Will it be SWAG time, or missed opportunities for generation x to have a chance at achievement? You better believe the ME generation is already planning what goes where, and who does what, and if young ethnics are a part of building the construction, or housed by it.

I can’t speak for President Obama or the First Family, but if you know anything about the love they’ve shown for America they would forego exclusivity in Hawaii opting to build the Presidential library in Chicago where the people who need the hope of it will have access to it. Since the President’s campaign was built on high tech it's not beyond the possibility that teens could get college level credits studying certain portions designed with them in mind to study technology to correct the onslaught of global warming & climate change, and perhaps even climate control. What about the shifting of techtonic plates? We’ve logged many mountain ranges, could the shifting plates be conquered with science in the not too distant future?

Whether the Obama's build their presidential library in Chicago, or Hawaii it's sure to be a learning experience to see the application of new technologies represented by the diversity of Chicago's, and the nations youth.

2014 Copyright Zimation Arts & Letters Ink