
Friday, August 2, 2013

Love Quotient : Love Lessons

Love Quotient : Love Lessons                                       
By Patricia Britt

Appreciate yourself, and be thankful for you. I’m single, and might seek a love connection in 2014? I believe when two hearts are united the world is a better place. Make just one person happy, and you’ll be happy too. Whenever you read a love essay always consider the source, in conversations about love. Try talking to people who’ve been together 5 years, or more to get the most reliable info about seeking a mate. Even though statistics indicate that many men are ineligible marriage material due to attitudes, and choices. I hold on to the theory that the two types of men I would look to meet, good guys for sure, willing to marry the woman of their hearts’ dream, or their practical dream for a true friend with mutual respect in God’s will. And they must be waiting just round the bend for me, somewhere in the atmosphere. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t have oodles of advice for young people from their twenties to thirties about love, and marriage potential while I wish my guy into my zone when the timing materializes. Why love, and marriage as a goal? Because two are always stronger than one, and health statistics reinforce this notion.

First I’m going to outline my male projection, or perception of the modern man with a positive spirit. A man’s glory can be many things. A man might be proud of his family whether nuclear, or extended, his looks, his bank account, his athletic prowess, his job, his game, his intelligence, his faith, gift of gab, or other material possessions. This is to say there’s usually something a man can find to exalt, as his sense of pride whether rich, poor, or anywhere in between. When some guys select their lady love, they want someone complementary to spend time with to have fun, maybe playing billiards, tennis, dancing, miniature golf, real golf (If you can’t play, drive the cart, it’s cool, and the grounds are always lovely), a good game of dominoes, backgammon, property values, a discussion about a popular book, or other activities to keep boredom from setting in for either person expands your boundaries, and gives you something to think about, and positive memories to build on.

If you notice, you can see men at their best when they’re involved in physical athletics, or watching a game, and rooting for their team. Listen to the bubbly announcers on Sports Center i.e. “He had to work for that!” And many other upbeat catch phrases men are conditioned to respond to as they compete positively. I hope to meet a strong man, who’s got a “Lovely Day” in his music collection. I believe soul-mates, are music-mates in most cases. What music is in your love agenda? A man’s music is half the battle of respect. If you can tolerate a minimal amount of his modern macho music initially, maybe you can ease him into yours, or move on if he feels compelled to blast name calling tracks while you’re driving together, with the windows down, or switches stations on your favorite song! Music etiquette might determine if he’s the one for you, or not? Music is as essential as air to some souls, so look for a love machine who’ll work for you, not against you.

Good men strive for an honest hustle to honor their past examples, whether it was their parent’s close knit relationship, or someone’s they admired, observed in the public domain from business, athletes who maintain their game on & off the field, politics, entertainers, reporters, teachers, or legal icons who have something worthwhile to say & show for their work whether material (house, car, gadgets), or a philosophical outlook of respect, and uplift. It’s essential that every day guys have a great philosophy, as they work on making their way in the material world to get what they want in life, impervious to the odds. Consistent job security, home/s, car/s, and retirement being the ultimate goal in a long term plan for love, and family providing mostly by their thirties when the doors of opportunity are open to the young. Look for someone who's flexible enough to consider new goals, say learning about real estate as a give, and take team effort for your dreams.

True love should be pure, thrilling, and calming all at the same time. Some call love merely infatuation for a few months, but for the lucky ones it lasts years into infinity. Love is a rhyme beyond time. Love is a riddle yet to unfold that will sooth your soul, and rock your heart in the pace you weave in the sand, or through the park in an effortless seam.

Mastery of the game of love is a lot like sports. Men like a woman who can pray with them, and play board games with a child’s heart so the relationship stays challenging, and a new experience time after time. Love can be exhilarating, and a shelter from life’s storms. Sports teaches partnership, unbreakable bonds, humbleness, motivation, and competition at its best. So you might be the perfect team to start a real estate firm, and turnover houses, while the two of you make a neat profit. With sports souls make contact in adoration, prepared for whatever comes. So be a team player to win the game of life as long as the relationship fits in your heart’s timeline, and how involved you want to become. Watch a game with your man (Sports Center), read, or cook something for him and let him unwind in front of the tube, especially during playoff season. Let your heart score the ultimate feeling of mutual protection of the senses, and don’t fall out of love, and miss your chance for happiness over little things that don’t make a big difference in your love stategy. However, equality is the best guide to pleasure.

Love is an aromatic elixir you can’t get enough of when sincere, and encouraging. Your goal is to keep it going as long as he shows you he cares, maybe two years to see if you're ready for the next level together, or move on gracefully. Every woman should have romance, love, respect, admiration, and return the same with an authentic athletic winner mentality. To walk in rhythm is to walk in love. Don’t waste decades wondering why you missed your Superbowl ring. Seek it out, and give it two years if a deeper level hasn’t materialized. It’s time to bow out gracefully. Always know you have another alternative than being heart sick when he’s not perfect, and clearly lets you know it.

As Maya Angelou says, if someone shows you who they are, believe it. Always leave room to go to the movies, do yoga, buy yourself flowers to keep your spirits up. Get jazzed up, and go dancing while you’re sure to let someone know where you are, if you see the need to take a break. If love isn’t a route to sweetness, then you’re going the wrong way. Barry White used to sing, “Your sweetness is my weakness.” Love is hugs, laughter, and kisses, sensual desire, watching the stars together... Keep in mind many men don’t always understand easy going. So sometimes you have to be unavailable, and spend the weekend touring the museums in your city, or visiting family, getting advice, or encouragement from the wise ones on how absence makes the heart grow fonder. He’ll still be there in few days, if not don’t waste your time. Live & learn. Live & let live. Realize all that glitters is not gold.

Having standards of expecting good treatment by going to concerts, being on time for dates, sending, and receiving cards on love occasions is realistic, not unreasonable, and vice versa. Everyone benefits from devotion. Read a multitude of books on love to prepare you for caring, sharing, and satisfying. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Time flies when you’re having fun! Your love destination should result in lots of glee, not spirit envy. Pamper yourself, until someone steps up to treat you better than you treat yourself. Take a jazz cruise, or daydream about travel. Visit travel web sites – Always know there’s more to life than this second with, or without children, taking care of your parents, grandparents, or siblings. Keep dreaming, wherever you are in the love cycle to keep the blues away! You never know where you’ll run into your reliable good guy, if you don't already have one to mature with. Visit a new church now, and then, work out in another area of town, spend a little more time selecting your movies at the video rental place.

Single guys be more than just fascinated by a woman, love, respect, cherish, entertain, and adore her, if you want to share her time. Just remember some girls where rose colored glasses, and aren’t similar to the "characters" like the ones on reality shows, although they might occasionally peak at how not to act. Please try not to prejudge the one who could be the love of your life. So if you’ve got a good woman show it, so you can enjoy each others company while you steadily grow with someone to count on, and stay right on track for evolving goodness...

Copyright 2013 Zimation Arts & Letters : Poetry Concepts

Romantic_love : Love bird - Valentine s day

Lovers Playlist ~

Maxwell "Pretty Wings" 
Stylistics “ Betcha By Golly Wow “
 Next "Wifey"
Earl Klugh "Living Inside Your Love"
Atlantic Star " Play Another Slow Jam"

Player "This Time I'm In It For Love"
Player “ Baby Come Back ”
Lou Rawls “You’ll Never Find Another Like Mine”
George Benson “ Star of a Story ”

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